Yeah I sure wonder how he’s going to “method act” this time. 🙄
“Not sure how I got here. Has to do with He-Man, I think.”
The best part is when he says “It’s Skellin’ Time!” then Skells all over those guys
I thought that was asmond gold lol
Probably have the same politics
Why is he still in movies, everything he touches turns to shit.
Right‽ Guess the only way I’ll see this is after pirating it and having a few drinks in preparation for Bad Movie Night where I purposely watch movies that are known to be horrible just to make fun of them.
Morbius was still awful when I did this for it for it, so maybe I’ll just skip it altogether.
They should have hired a skeleton
Now they have to remove all the flesh and organs
This project keeps getting weirder and weirder and less promising with every bit of new information.
Getting weirder and weirder is the only viable direction a Master of the Universe movie can go for success. Don’t you remember the last movie?
There’s good weird and bad weird. This seems to be going in the bad weird direction.
Calling anything bad weird seems a little judgemental for my taste. I like bad weird. Good weird is boring.Ya basic.
This is the only thing I’ve ever heard about this movie, but I agree wholeheartedly.