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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • You really shouldn’t be using a personal device for work purposes or a work device for personal purposes. So I would try to get your job to provide you a device to do work related stuff on rather than doing it yourself. Also, I ended up switching banks, not because my bank app didn’t run, but primarily because my bank would not allow me to do everything from the website that I could do in the app. And I do not want any Google Play apps at all on my device. And so I ended up switching banks for that purpose to one where I could use the online website for everything.

  • I have been using lineage with No play services since like 2019 and while it does take a little bit of getting used to, once you are comfortable with it, it’s just as easy. The big things you won’t get are notifications for most apps since most rely on Google Play Services for notifications. Some apps will refuse to run because of not having the Google Play Services for integrity checks. That mainly applies to banks and stuff, so you might have to either switch banks or use the mobile website instead of the bank app. The ride-sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft do not work, but you can get an Uber through their website, at least for now. Although if that ever goes away, that could cause problems. If you use open streetmaps OSMAnd, instead of another mapping application, you won’t be able to do many addresses. So you’ll need something such as gps-coordinates.net to convert addresses to lat/long for use in OSMAnd.

    Other than what I’ve mentioned above, there’s not really a huge difference.

    Also, if you do use OSMAnd, please, please, please contribute addresses. When you go to a place, just add a point of interest to the map and add its address and stuff. And that would be super damn helpful. A lot of businesses are shown, but what’s not shown is a lot of the residential addresses. So, like, going and mapping your neighborhood with its addresses would be really helpful. Or nearby neighborhoods, etc.