Free will. I want to believe I can do as I please and am making decisions that could go either way. But I think it more likely that time is just unwinding, every action a result of some previous actions, all the way back to the big bang and it’s impossible to step out of this stream.
Love. People just use each other.
That rational and empirical evidence would cause people to reconsider their intuitive perspectives and lead into constructive conversation.
A thing beyond our understanding on this world, I wish that thoses humans on top of the world would understand at least once that they can’t control everything, and that the world stays full of wonder.
I would have said also yōkais, but i actually believe in them so it doesn’t count i suppose.
That Democracy can be an effective check on Capitalism. Liberalism is my favorite fairy tale. If all the propaganda I was fed as a kid in the 90s was actually true, I’d be in paradise.
The world was ruled by the Illuminati and they were compassionate about it. Because what we are ruled by is a bunch of assholes.
LOL. This is great! A few weeks ago the illuminati was some sort of boogeyman. Today, things are so bad is praying for boogeyman to be real. There are some genuinely great answers here but I really identify with this one, personally.
diskworld. I specially like the city watch
That life is fair.
@ParlaMint Afterlife.
Death is boring and awful. I don’t want it. Nobody really wants it. If you think you do, a) get help and b) you really don’t.
I’ll admit, my disbelief in afterlife really doesn’t make me fear death because while it’s boring, it’s only boring for everyone else. For the person dead it’s nothing. Boring is a sensation, and death has none of that either. It’s neither good nor bad, just nothing.
The world will recognize the good deeds you do
Heaven. Or just the idea that some part of the consciousness outlives the body. I really hate that this is all I get, there’s so much I’ll never get to do just because my parents decided when I was too young to decide for myself.
It’d be cool.
That people are inherently good. This not being the case is reinforced near daily by people’s behaviors.
I found a wallet on the ground by a truck outside a store recently that had a lot of cash in it. I looked at the license and while I was heading in to see if they could call the owner I saw the guy rushing back out of the store looking panicked. I gave him his wallet back and he acted like I was the one that took it from him. If I was gonna steal from you I’d have cleaned it out and tossed it asshole. Then later when I mentioned that id found a wallet and returned my coworkers were all giving me shit for not just stealing his money. Not one person out of 8 had any opinion other than just steal it. I already don’t have a great opinion of people but that really reinforced my opinion.