100% cacao chocolate bars. They are a hugely acquired taste, but now they taste sweet to me and I can sense a rich backdrop of flavors. Initially they were super bitter. It’s super hard, if not impossible, to binge on 100% chocolate.
100% is a bit much for me, but I do like it best hovering around at about 80%.
Dark and white! White chocolate biscuits are my weakness
I have a local shop who makes their own. I like the 85% dark from Peru. Its so good.
The darker, the better. I’m not picky though.
Are you a 100% chocolate fan?
Yes! I don’t really care about the alleged health benefits, mind you - I love the taste. (I’m used to bitter things, though. Yerba, sugar-less coffee, this kind of stuff.)
Definatelly the ones over 90%. 80% is already too sweet. Sadly most of the ones I can find here are the Lindt ones which are not good. I’m not sure what the names are but most were some speciality chocklades which are very expensive so I only buy them once in a while.
Any well tempered chocolate will do. Barring that, most other chocolate will do too
White chocolate!