This guy at school who my sister knows keeps meowing. My sister also has him added on social media, where he sends random videos of farting, burping, or him saying stuff in a weird voice to all his contacts of people his age?

Is this just typical teenage boy behavior? I didn’t talk to many boys at that age, nor were they American/English-speaking boys so I don’t know.

    23 days ago

    Alternatively, as a weird kid that grew up to be an autustic adult, he could --through this weird behaviour – potentially find other kids of his ilk (hell, it only takes one close friend) and they can blunder through together.

    Shout out to my best friend of 20-some years, with whom I once dressed up as a Monty python and the holy grail character and skipped around the park carrying coconuts and shouting weird things about shrubberies.