Parental love and approval. I’ve learned to live without it, but there’s a hole there certainly.
An AK-47. The biggest reason that I haven’t gotten one is that it’'s just not very practical. Parts aren’t interchangeable without a lot of hand fitting, ammunition has gotten ridiculously expensive due to sanctions against Russia, range isn’t great (those 7.62 bullets are heavy and slow; hitting anything past 200y is a real challenge), etc., etc. They’ve also gotten fairly expensive, while prices for more modern rifles have dropped sharply.
I might still get one eventually. I’d like to have one, just to shoot for fun, but there are so many other higher priorities.
My own robot. But hey, that day may be coming!
To be a pretty girl
Growing up now, I’ve learned I was always a girl. I’m working on the pretty part.
I still want a spaceship capable of FTL travel. And teleporters. And replicators. And a utopian post-scarcity society.
More from my college years, but an ex made off with more than half of my video game collection right before scalpers/speculators started driving prices through the roof. Most of my GameBoy games. My favorite GameCube games. All of my Genesis, GameGear, Xbox360, and N64 games plus each of those consoles. Including multiple complete in box games. The argument was that she found and bought some of what she kept, but it was always bought using my fucking money. She didn’t have a job past our first year together. Really had me swindled. Don’t mingle finances until you’re married folks.
From childhood? A whole bunch of LEGO sets that are either out of print now or are still stupid expensive. Hard to justify $50+ on LEGO.
I’ve always wanted to visit a factory. I’ve been in an airbus factory and that was nice, there were Tibetan monks there too. But it wasn’t like a factory factory.
Not sure if you were going for answers more like “ice cream for dinner every night” or “not having glass bones and paper skin, not breaking my legs every morning and not breaking my arms every afternoon”.
My frivolous answer is a balcony. My depressing answer is a best friend and/or a sister close to my age who is nice to me. OR for my dad to die. OR to wake up and learn that my life was a dream and I’m someone else.
Idk, I was a depressing kid.
Earthbound for SNES
You can get a good quality repro cart, repro box, and repro players guide all together on AliExpress for ~$80 if you shop around. Or at least you could a year ago.
Still super overpriced, but cheaper than dealing with a scalper.
I would sooner put it on my Everdrive and call it a day, tbh. I will probably never own it unless the market crashes.
Yeah, at that point you’re most of the way to a flash cart’s cost anyway. Was a big gift for someone I knew cared about having something to display.
You never emulated it either?
Freedom, my own place, stability.
Being able to exist without making my existence political
Wast amounts of money.
HeMan castle set.
Free time.