I’m surprised I don’t see Battlestar Galactica or Star Trek Next Generation here yet.
Futurama (original) Psych Star Trek TNG/DS9 X Files Twilight Zone
All these are on continuous shuffle in my Jellyfin server.
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist
Home Movies
Mystery Science Theater 3000
I fall asleep to Dr. Katz all the time because it’s just so calming and it always made me happy how much Dr. Katz loved and accepted his son Ben just as who he was. Most of the comedy aged pretty well, they didn’t seem to have a lot of purposefully mean people on. I have a playlist that’s just all the Dom Irerra episodes.
Southpark (earlier seasons were more rewatchable)
The office
How i met your mother
Black books
ScrubsArrested Development has such intricate humor that it takes multiple passes to absorb it all. For some jokes, the punchline for the set-up doesn’t come until some episodes—or even seasons—later.
+1 for arrested development. Took me until season 3 to realize the next episode previews were fake
I’ve definitely re-watched old Adult Swim stuff. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021 in particular. (I need to include Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law in that mix)
Don’t sleep on Home Movies
12oz Mouse!
Regular Show has been one of my go-to rewatches to put on at night.
Seinfeld is a more “family friendly” option.
But Curb Your Enthusiasm can be put on an endless loop, and I’d still kaugh my ass off at every episode.
The Six Million Dollar Man. I became fascinated with this show recently, I find it amusing.
WKRP in Cincinnati is pretty funny too.
Spaced from Simon Pegg and Friends is probably the series i have rewatched the most, was just going to watch it again this week with a friend, it’s been a couple years, but it always is good
Also, Disenchanted
Mad Men
I watch too much tv:
Ted Lasso The Good Place Parks and Rec The Office Brooklyn 99 Northern Exposure Friends Schitt’s Creek Sherlock Monty Python’s Flying Circus Fawlty Towers
This tells me I need to watch Northern Exposure, Schitt’s Creek, and Fawlty Towers.
And that you need to watch 30 Rock, Community, Scrubs, and Arrested Development.
Aah! I knew I forgot some! Excellent list!
Oh, formatting, no….
All of Star Trek, thanks H&I channel.