I was going to say armed insurrection, but on second thought that might be ethical under those circumstances.
Unethically probably the most gain could be in manufacturing fake medicine. Cheap inputs, expensive prices.
Ah, in fact, even better for repeat customers: Making real medicine and selling the hard stuff over the counter (assuming drug schedules are “regulation”).
Fair point, but without regulations your claims can be way wilder, and you don’t have to make stuff safe to ingest anymore. Overall I think quackery can become even more profitable.
(homeopathy) n. a complementary therapy based on the theory that ‘like cures like’. It involves treating a condition with a tiny dose of a substance that in larger doses would normally cause or aggravate that condition.
No, I think they mean actual medicine my guy, based on science. If it’s “homeopathic” and it works, we just call it medicine.
I was going to say armed insurrection, but on second thought that might be ethical under those circumstances.
Unethically probably the most gain could be in manufacturing fake medicine. Cheap inputs, expensive prices.
Ah, in fact, even better for repeat customers: Making real medicine and selling the hard stuff over the counter (assuming drug schedules are “regulation”).
Sell meth to Musk’s gang? Get them hooked.
That’s already a thing it’s called homeopathic medicine
Fair point, but without regulations your claims can be way wilder, and you don’t have to make stuff safe to ingest anymore. Overall I think quackery can become even more profitable.
No, I think they mean actual medicine my guy, based on science. If it’s “homeopathic” and it works, we just call it medicine.
Yea, organized resistance is both ethical and the only real option that isn’t nihilism.