I was texting my friend (and I’m a notoriously dry texter). I also have depression and do not like socializing at all. In fact, I’m friends with these two women and we complain about how much people suck.

I’ve not been feeling in a mood to socialize lately, especially with my depression and not liking social stuff. However, I started to type in all caps to my friend after she asked what I was doing and if I was okay.

After typing “I’M. WATCHING. A MOVIE” in all caps, she sent me one last message that she was going to leave me alone, and then later blocked me? I talked to a friend about it, and she said that since I was always getting mad and treating people badly, the woman who blocked me was giving me some space.

Does this mean the friendship’s over?

I remember a while ago, asking my friend (the one who blocked me) if she knew how to play a game, and she said no, so I gave her my phone to fiddle with. She has poor reflexes, has never played the game, and the phone was laggy, but I took the phone away and told her it was “my turn now” because she was struggling.

(Also, I want to acknowledge that I’m probably in a bad mental space, so this will be the last thing I post for a while until my people skills and depression get better. After all, if I’m having trouble making the effort to respond to my friends and I’m constantly getting mad/impatient at everyone, however useless they may be, and the fact that I keep posting about my interactions, I should probably take a break.

  • Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    It sounds like you were being an ass for a while and you’re recent comments was the breaking point.

    I’m a negative person, but I try to reign it when communicating with other people. When I do have to vent, I tend to get support because I’m not being an emotional vampire to those people.

    I have some other people in my life who do nothing but complain and I keep them at an arms distance. I feel worse being around them. I do not care about their petty problems.