Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024


  • Why is it gender stuff when it’s women but not men? Men and their gender is apart of their movies too, you just may not see it, like how a fish doesn’t see water. Take how a film is shot, how women and men are framed. You may not notice the camera assuming a het-male’s perspective by “eyeing” women a certain way because “that’s just house films are shot.” You may not go into a horror movie with the silent prayer that the male lead doesn’t get raped because that can just be thrown in there. You may not notice if every woman looks a certain way, and how no matter how old the actor gets, the female lead is still 25. Even in movies where it doesn’t even matter. You make not notice when a woman only gets to speak to and about men. You may not notice that one woman is usually tossed in to represent the entire female demographic because “they’re not the focus.”

    But all those little details add up. Women have had men’s gender and their ideas and values soak into almost every part of society, even to how they value themselves. Men are not the default, and that means that they will have to go into some media knowing that they are not the main target and be okay with that.

  • Some people see themselves as the default, and any change is abnormal or pandering. Same thing happens in video games. Anything that brings attention to the idea that they aren’t the default audience is seen as a an offense. They assume these stories are an attack, an expensive way for people to say their way of doing things is wrong and therefore they are wrong, so they get defensive. In reality, it just someone else telling a story for another audience.

    To them, the argument is, “why add more poc/genders if we’re all the same? Are you saying something is wrong with people like me so they have to be gotten rid of? How come it’s always me that’s getting removed? Why am I under attack!” They see the addition as the erasure of some, like, Schrodinger’s self-insert that would have been there if they didn’t have to force a" woke" choice.

  • I work in insurance, specifically auto insurance. I used to work as a bodily injury adjuster, but moved to subro. I’ve been doing this for longer than I realized. My mom told me with a smile that I’ll likely be in insurance the rest of my life. I went home and cried 🤣

    Pays alright though. And I’m (currently) able to work from home which I know is a blessing. Just wasn’t what I was dreaming about as a little girl, you know?