I believe he’s a devout Christo-fascist. I think only a special kind of devout Christian could come up with the porn accountability scheme with his son. He’s a “lying for the lord” kind of person.
Legal immigration in the U.S. is heavily restricted with extremely low caps that aren’t even high enough to support our agriculture industry. I personally think this is on purpose so that industry can easily underpay and exploit undocumented workers. And yes, the economy would collapse without the all the undocumented workers; the “age” of our population is quite high. Here’s an article from a very conservative think tank (which I normally wouldn’t trust) that describes the situation: Why Legal Immigration Is Nearly Impossible.
Anyways, it’s futile trying to stop immigration. Desperate people will take desperate actions to improve the lives of themselves and their families. It will only get worse as the climate changes causes drought, famine, and otherwise unlivable conditions in parts of the world.
IDK, I think it’s going to be very close. Quite a few people I know who disliked Trump over Biden in the last election now favor Trump. Many are in demographics you wouldn’t expect. Most never vote though.
Trump is doing slightly better in the polls than Biden: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/
People’s money are on Trump winning (slightly): https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-chances-beating-joe-biden-six-months-before-election-day-1897978
This is a special case that makes sense, but sounds pretty cool: https://newatlas.com/transport/fortescue-wae-infinity-train-electric/
I think part of the problem is that new cars are bought mostly by fairly well-off individuals; with other people buying used cars. Economy cars sell poorly in the U.S.
Waiting years to release on PC causes anger among Sony fans?