search engines are enshittifying and the general trend is ai enshittifying everything it touches.
search engines are enshittifying and the general trend is ai enshittifying everything it touches.
great way to miss the conversation
“google-fu” is a skill. it’s not reasonable to expect everyone to be perfectly proficient. and it seems like you are saying “just perfectly define your search query to match the exact result you need every time” which, i think most would agree is often very difficult even if your fu is quite good. I think this might actually be an np problem. I used to have good fu, these days I find that google sometimes breaks or ignores my quotes, changes exact wordings to thesaurus matches, shit like that. also, there are filter bubbles.
now we’re adding to all of those already known uncontroversial challenges to googling the information “pollution” of low-quality unsupervised chatbot hallucinations where genuine good search results might otherwise go. it’s not that it’s unfindable- that’s not what the op video claims. it’s that the signal-to-noise ratio is intolerably low, and that basically by design.
and yes, it seems there is still room for human-creative solutions to these search problems, like the one you suggest which basically rearranges words and exchanges some thesaurus hits. sort of like how you can sometimes “jailbreak” llms by TaLkInG tO tHeM lIkE ThIs. for now. actually, they probably already patched that.
just make chatgpt watch the video and make an article about it
You can right click the image, open in new tab to see the full-resolution version. It’s cumbersome but it works for me at least.
Isn’t it though? It’s in that position. It’s doing that thing. It seems to have been trained to regurgitate “certain opinions.” It isn’t generally being challenged. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, maybe it’s a duck.