• 18 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024

  • First you spec into union construction or some kind of trade. Leave the retail shit alone. It’s bugged, you can grind it for literally your entire lifetime and never get beyond store manager.

    From there you go into hunting and alcohol resistance. It’ll balance out the downsides of the construction class to keep you from having to get on pills just to keep your current level.

    That’s pretty much all there is to it. When you hit 50, you can spec into auto mechanic and open up a shop which is only open 10 hours a week. Oh, and get fishing. You’ll be doing a lot of it during weekdays when your shop is supposed to be open.

    Hope this helps. It’s not as complicated as it looks, from seeing the chart.

  • I should have realized that whenever Trump gets hyper-focused on some niche issue that isn’t on the tiny list of stuff his brain comes up with by default, someone smarter than him told him about it and hyped him up about what he should do.

    When I imagine Trump in six months ordering the US military to invade Greenland and take it over, a small hopeful thought occurs to me that maybe this will be the wake up call that the aware-of-reality people really needed. That it isn’t going to be okay if we just keep doing the system because it’s always taken care of us so far.

    Maybe it will turn out to be a good thing, in the long run. Maybe not.

  • Somehow I don’t think taking to the streets and escalating the political violence between the people with all the money and power, and the rest of us, is going to lead us to the bright future I would like to imagine.

    There’s a reason the American Revolution wasn’t organized along the lines of assassinating Tory leaders at random, and hoping that would do it. Freedom of association, protest, organization, and the press are guaranteed for a reason, and freedom to take shots at the leaders you don’t like is not, also for a reason.

  • What’s so weird about all of this is how strange and passive-aggressive it is.

    If we’re assuming that Russia did, in fact, do this: You’re not going to cause any major long-term problem by cutting one power cable. It’s just annoying. It’s like China spraying water cannons and firing signal flares at “enemy” navy boats. It’s like, “You better let me do what I want, or I’ll bug you, and you’ll have to put in some overtime repairing some minor stuff that I did! And you can’t stop me!”

    If you want to war, war. If you want to get with the program and stop killing Ukrainians, you can have your assets back and start to trade again. Don’t try to tread this middle ground where you’re showing the awesome might of the Russian military machine by assaulting an undersea cable, threatening to escalate to bombing trees and sabotaging all Finland’s saltshakers if they don’t start trembling before you.

  • It depends. Are you looking out for the American people, and aware that your career forever if not your very literal physical survival over the next few years will depend on having people in important roles who are smart and tenacious and have some proven popularity with the people they are representing?

    Or, are you a money-corrupted ghoul so addled by campaign contributions and sociopathic consultants that the very idea of someone who’s there for reasons other than fabulous wealth for you and your friends is abhorrent, to the point that you would never let that person anywhere near power, because the mere thought of her and what she knows you to be, inspires in you nothing but nervousness and hatred?

    I don’t think “both sides” and I think we need allies in power right now, even if they are the Democrats. But also, if the Democrats were going to do something about Trump, they would have at some point in the last four years. They’re going to keep sleepwalking, most of them, until firing squads come into the capitol looking for them.

  • The talks are taking place within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, a group of 38 wealthy countries that coordinate on export credit terms to prevent any one country from distorting trade relations. The countries are trying this month to hash out a verbal agreement on how to regulate their export credit agencies.

    If such an agreement comes together, it would force a sea change in policy for the United States’ own export credit agency, which is known as the Export Import Bank of the United States, or EXIM. This independent agency is among the last remaining channels through which the U.S. government provides financial support to fossil fuel interests overseas.

    I feel like sometimes people just read the headline, grab for the most near-at-hand thought pattern that corresponds to it within their collection of prejudices, and click “Send.”

    There’s also some discussion of what Biden did earlier in his administration, how the industry responded, why they’re trying to accelerate getting this into place right now, and so on. It’s actually a lot more complex than the headline. Who knew.

  • It’s part of a longstanding tradition of abandoning our less powerful allies once their usefulness to us is at an end. Our South Vietnamese friends, then the Afghans, then the Kurds, the Iraqis, the Afghans again, and now I’m sure there are some people in Syria whose day is coming due.

    The difference is that Trump is planning to do it to everyone, on purpose, before their usefulness is even at an end, for no reason at all. Not just people who were forced into their alliance in a desperate time of need, but people who were doing perfectly fine in their civil society in whatever corner of the world, who opted on their own to help us out, are now going to be getting killed because they did. Maybe along with their families.