Yes, this is the problem. Search engines used to be a way to find stuff. They slowly evolved into more and more effective platforms for monetizing internet users, meaning the only content you can effectively find now is content that’s selling something (or perhaps content that is selling you).
Breaking out of that bubble can reveal that content that isn’t built for selling is still there. It’s just like you said: it’s gone underground. Not by choice but because the ground got moved.
Loving Arc! I kinda like how it doesn’t really make a distinction between tabs and favorites, and at the same time I kinda don’t.
Do you have a solution for links you want to have access to someday but don’t really want as pinned tabs or favorites? I have some pinned tab folders at the moment, but I don’t love that solution. I’ve used Pinboard in the past but, 1) I feel like that product is dying and 2) I’d like tighter browser integration.