If someone gives you the opportunity to play Lex Luthor in a major Hollywood production, you jump at it. End of.
If someone gives you the opportunity to play Lex Luthor in a major Hollywood production, you jump at it. End of.
Do you think marching with Islamic Jihad supporters, taking over University commons from coast to coast hoisting swastikas, chanting “From The River To The Sea” in every major American city all through last Spring and Summer scared the absolute bejeesus outta just middle America, or all of it? AOC should start her own “Squad Party”.
dinner and a show
Watched the first episode last night, and was left underwhelmed. There’s a lot of lore they pack into the first 5 minutes of exposition, which was fine, explaining the origins of the War against The Thinking Machines, and the Atredies/Harkonen feud.
But watching the show, a couple things struck me which took me out of the narrative they were trying to tell:
As an aside I once saw a YouTube video, which tried to explain the lack of technological advancement in the Game of Thrones universe, due to the overwhelming threat Dragons posed, and how that affected the development of modern weaponry, and stymied almost all forward technical engineering progress. Also while I’m ranting, so “thinking machines” are out, to the point of almost publicly executing a little boy for playing with a transformer toy, but the Emperor has a 3D vid holo projector, how exactly does THAT work without thinking machines, i wonder.
Now lastly, and this is a personal preference, I’ve never been a Emily Watson fan, I find her difficult to watch.
I’ll most likely keep watching every Sunday, because for all it’s foibles, it’s still top notch scifi, though not nearly on the same level as FOUNDATION or THE EXPANSE
but it will answer
quick 20 minutes, in and out
Had a friend exactly like this, never made it to Robert, RIP Rob
I mean if the Greens allow themselves to be represented by an antisemitic islamic jihadi, trump, russia, and iran mouthpiece for cash, how could you post anything that was PRO Greens at this point, lol
See, the problem with publicly traded corporations is, they’ve got to constantly not only be making as much money this year as they did the previous year, but they’ve got to increase shareholder value, which means, raising prices, or reducing the product to save costs, we have termed that last bit enshitification. I mean, they don’t HAVE to, but if they choose not to, the board of directors will push for a change in CSUITE personnel, and those fuckers are raking in the big bucks, and really really like their 3rd vacation homes in Aspen, so you pay more, or you get less, and sometimes you pay more AND you get less. And the beat goes on.
Donald Trump and every single prospective member of his Cabinet are a National Security Risk, every fucking one. Americans have been well aware of this since the last time Trump was President, and a Million Americans died from a purposefully inept Federal Global Viral Pandemic response. The majority of Americans obviously couldn’t give a shit as evidenced by their either voting for Trump in November, or simply staying home and deciding not to cast a vote. It is the end of all things. We are doomed. This is not hyperbole.