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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Since i get called a spy and bad actor so often, it got me thinking about theories n such.

    Now, I don’t believe this, but if there were astroturfing i would think it would be done by both the DNC and RNC. I’m just screwing around, but it would make sense a lil bit.

    The green party will get a larger percentage than normal this year, and while I don’t think the DNC or RNC feel threatened by them, it is very important to them that Americans never feel a third party is possible.

    Meh. There’s no conspiracy, its just people getting whipped up into a today cuz it’s an election year and truth is on hiatus.

  • I like your comment. Also isnt it comical how simple truths (e.g. the system doesnt represent us, politicians too old etc) keep getting downvoted so hard, huh? Keep it up, you never know. Someone out there who reads more than writes may learn something and start pulling their head out of the cavern below their belt.

    For the room:

    Like, get a grip y’all. criticism is an important part of a free democracy, and the press has abdicated its position something must fill this gap. Honestly, you dumbasses actually need folks like us around to point things out that you guys would never ever come up with on your own (i think everyone is a dumbass at something btw, Even geniuses are dumbasses at at least one thing, and politics is a big one. Many otherwise intelligent people become spittin’ simpletons when politics is le topic.)

    Yes. Yes i am talking to you. You, the one already preparing to reply. Don’t. You don’t got nothing to say i haven’t already heard. Those of you still reading, i respect you more for it. It’s not like ill read the replies a comment like this generated.

    So, listen up:

    We’re not russo-chinese spies lol. That is a stupid claim. Only stupid people believe this. We are your peers. This peer in particular is a little tired explaining how the world works, but ill keep going, because this is how i do democracy. This is how democracy is done in a free society.

    How convenient (for those still not convinced) that the TV and news did a ad hominem! How great that you already know all your need to! How nice to know that all dissenting opinions are simply spies, bad actors or useful idiots! How very convenient that the easiest path forward, and the right thing to do is nothing.

    Learn nothing, consider nothing, suspect nothing, do nothing.

    I envy you believers… What a lovely faith to have.

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