So, I think I got backwards-deck. I play Rocket League, so input lag is a big deal for me there. However, the issue I have seems opposite of what I see online:
- Using deck controls has noticeable lag
- Using a wired X-Box controller has noticeable lag
- Using a Bluetooth X-Box controller works pretty good
Can anyone think of why I would have such bad lag on the built-in controls?
EDIT So this might be display, not input lag!
- Set Gamescope Disable FPS Limiter On
- Set Gamescope Allow Tearing On
- Set Rocket League Vsync Off
- Set Rocket League FPS to 144
The deck works a lot harder, and fans go crazy, but it’s playable without an external monitor now. I think in limiting to the didplay’s 60hz, the Deck must be doing something else causing display lag.
Maybe steam input is on when it isn’t needed for the game?
Can you turn Steam Input off on the Deck? I did find a partial solution (see edited post)