It’s that time of year again when my partner gets upset with me because I’m not the kind of person that ever wants anything…

My partner always wants this or that. They mention things they want all the time. So I write down what I hear. Gift holidays are covered easily because I try to pay attention.

I feel bad though. I know it’s hard when I don’t talk about things I want. And when asked, I don’t know what to say. It only ends up causing me anxiety.

This is so dumb. What does a person who doesn’t want things want for their birthday?

    23 days ago

    With my partner, we usually gift time/knowledge. As in, one person wants to buy something but doesn’t have the time/expertise to read up it and find the perfect thing. So the other hops in and does the research for them.

    This valentine’s my partner helped me decide on a new gaming keyboard, while I got him a custom web domain and email setup.

    So maybe if there’s a thing you’ve been meaning to research/buy, let your partner do it as a gift?