As someone else said, try turning up FOV. Last night I decided to try Doom Eternal for the first time. (I played the new Doom but didn’t finish it.) The default FOV is 90, and motion blur is on. In a game mostly involving corridors and fast movement, 90 is stupidly low. It’s set up for people playing on a TV 6+ feet away, not a comouter monitor much closer. These two settings may be your issue.
Okay I have a confession to make…
I haven’t finished a Doom since Doom 3 (2004).
I have loved every minute of Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, but I haven’t finished either of them.
I get too motion sick to play video games like that anymore.
Even Titanfall I have to take a break between levels.
I’ll finish them someday, I promise…
As someone else said, try turning up FOV. Last night I decided to try Doom Eternal for the first time. (I played the new Doom but didn’t finish it.) The default FOV is 90, and motion blur is on. In a game mostly involving corridors and fast movement, 90 is stupidly low. It’s set up for people playing on a TV 6+ feet away, not a comouter monitor much closer. These two settings may be your issue.
Apparently this one is going to be less of a zoomer shooter.