Another odd list, I wonder if the quality of the journalism is correlated with how soulless their end of list looks like.
I don’t get the appeal of these gatcha games. There are better games they are ripping off, I guess the moe characters carry these games for some people.
Lol Microsoft will be there, hard pass on windows or any windows based platform, hard pass in Microsoft in general.
All CEO’s are going to take from this is they need to use popular IP’s to make their low effort trash.
They will definitely be forgotten sadly.
They need to stop working on that game and move on, can’t believe I’m writing that.
If it run’s andriod it’s not even a console even if it has buttons (correction, emulator exists forgot about that one)
Wouldn’t it be funny if people made a switch 2 emulator quickly and host it through i2p or tor, maybe git through those or just send patches so it can’t be taken down, that would be horrible. I hope people don’t do that to Nintendo.
The only battleground for me will be selling my oled deck and buying a steam deck 2
Feels like someone found out Halloween exists and is an IP that can be milked.
Transform it by making…a multiplayer live service game? I don’t know about that. I think I’ll stick with gloomwood, dread delusion and crt alt ego.