Main•Discussion about ClubsAll
28 days agoI’ve been around the block a few times, so maybe I’m just jaded.
My take is that it’s a proprietary platform, siphoning user data/content to redisplay and monetize.
Additionally, my gut feeling is that they don’t care about the community at all, and are just trying to leverage it to make money. They want to be the next reddit, and think the fediverse is their ticket. And I don’t think anything I’ve seen so far indicates otherwise.
We block Threads, and I think we should block this, too, immediately. If, in the future, the situation changes and they actually “give and take” rather than just “take” , then it should be simple enough to refederate.
My 2c.
I haven’t watched it in years, and I don’t really remember enough about it to comment on the details.
But in case you’re not aware of it, they did a remake in the mid '90s, starring Harry Anderson. Obviously it’s like 30 years old now, so not modern/contemporary from today’s point of view.
But if you haven’t seen it, it might be worth a watch just for the fun of being able to compare/contrast.